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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar da cidade de Provo

Escola de Ensino Fundamental Lakeview

Needs for the Week:

  • The health clerk/nurse’s room needs donations of gently used clothing. They are used when children have bathroom accidents, spill on their clothes during lunch, or need to change clothes for any reason.
    • Boys sizes 4 – 8 are the most needed, but any donation is appreciated
    • Underwear does have to be new if it is donated
  • 4th Grade – Mrs. Reid’s and Mrs. Nelson’s class need two volunteers to help make cursive books for their classes.
    • It would involve copying the papers and binding the books together (with the school’s equipment)
    • One of the teachers can meet with the volunteer/s either before school or during their prep time – 10:15 – 10:50 – to show how to do it
    • Contact Mrs. Nelson – clairen@provo.edu  or Mrs. Reid – sarahre@provo.edu   

If you are able to help out with this, you can send the donation with your child to bring to the office, or drop it off yourself. Thank you for your generosity and help for our school!

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