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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Needs for the Week

The health clerk/nurse’s room is in need of donations of gently used clothing. These items are used when children have bathroom accidents, spill on their clothes during lunch, or need to change for any reason. Below is a list of needed items:

  • Boys’ sizes 4–8 are most needed, but any donation is appreciated.
  • Underwear must be new if donated.

4th Grade Volunteer Opportunity

Mrs. Reid’s and Mrs. Nelson’s classes are looking for two volunteers to help create cursive books for their students. The volunteer work includes:

  • Copying the papers and binding the books using the school’s equipment.
  • One of the teachers will meet with the volunteer(s) either before school or during their prep time (10:15–10:50) to provide instructions.

If you are interested in helping, please contact:

  • Mrs. Nelson at
  • Mrs. Reid at
  • If you’re able to donate clothing, you can send it with your child to the office or drop it off yourself.

Thank you for your generosity and support of our school!


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Needs Around the School this Week: Health Room -  Gently used clothing, most needed size is boys 4 - 8, but any donation is appreciated Send in any donations with your student to the...
