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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview Announcements

Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications

Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.

Lakeview Newsletter Week of March 3 – 7

Are you wanting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in our school? Read our weekly newsletter!

Lakeview News

Registration is now open for Early Learning Essentials (Mountainland Head Start) preschool. Early Learning Essentials is a non-profit Head Start Preschool offering  free preschool services to...

The first round of the 2024, Battle of the Books has begun. Under the leadership of Mrs. Carter, our Lions have been reading, studying, and practicing for this competition for weeks. Today, our third...

Congratulations to our third-grade students on their remarkable portrayals of famous and historic personages. Each student selected a famous person to study and highlight in our annual wax museum....

Lakeview Kindergarten explored the walls of our school in search of wild animals. This is the culmination of their studies about living things and their surroundings. Donning their pith helmets, ...

Our Kindergarten program was awesome! We're so proud of our Kindergarten classes, they worked so hard to prepare for this delightful program. If you were unable to attend in person, you can catch...

Our 2024 Fourth-grade Program Wows Audiences The fourth-grade social studies standards focus primarily on the state. Throughout the year, students use music as part of their instruction. From...

Lakeview Instructional Assistants received training in the Playworks program. Lakeview and Playworks have had an ongoing partnership for several years. Although the Playworks program focuses...

Lakeview Book Fair is Next Week, February 20-23 Book Fair will be open:  Tues 20th 3-6 Wed 21st 3-5 Thurs 22nd 3-5 Fri 23rd 1-3 Support the Lakeview Library by attending the BOOK...
