Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications
Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.
Assembly Teaches Native American Traditions Lakeview students were able to experience one of the schools favorite assemblies in November. All the grades were gathered in the gym as we learned about...
Student, Educator, Parent Thank you to everyone who came to our SEPs last week. It's so helpful for the success of your student and the teachers to be able to talk about how your child's school life...
3rd Grade Cheered BYU Women's Basketball Students from Lakeview had the opportunity to go to a BYU Women's basketball game this past week. Can you tell they had fun? Lakeview is always happy to...
Science Class is Lots of Fun! Professora Hossi's 4th grade class got to participate in some exciting science experiments. The students were engaged in their observations and took turns at various...
You Matter! Lakeview's annual student art show will be held Monday, November 18th from 6 - 7:30 pm. Students have been working hard on their projects on the theme "You Matter!" There will be awards,...
5th Graders Learn about STEM In September, the 5th Graders were able to attend a STEM Fair and learn about all sorts of amazing things! What is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology,...
PTA Helps Lakeview Focus on Safety Have you noticed in the mornings and afternoons during drop-off and pick-up, things can get a little busy and crowded? There are times when we are all in a hurry...