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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Dear Lakeview Students and Parents,

Welcome back! This year will be like no other year in our school’s history. A lot of things have changed and we are doing our best to make Lakeview a safe place for learning. Included in this letter is important information to prepare for the upcoming school year.

There are several changes as you can imagine. The teachers are creating short videos explaining the new procedures. We will post them to our social media and web page soon.

One big change is that the students in 1st – 6th grades will come into the building from the back playground to start the day. There will be a designated line up spot in the back for each teacher. We will help the students find the right line. At 8:15 the teacher will go out to the blacktop area to pick up their class. We will no longer be having an early morning room where students can come and play games in the cafeteria. The only students that will be allowed into the cafeteria are those that eat school breakfast. Breakfast will begin at 7:45. They will enter the building through the east gym doors by the tennis courts. After they finish eating they will be directed out to the back playground. No students will be entering through the front doors of the school. If your student does not eat school breakfast, we ask that you not drop them off earlier than 8:00 and we would prefer to have them arrive at 8:10. While in Phase 1, we will only have half of the students coming so hopefully the car drop off will be a lot faster. Once again, we do encourage as many students to walk/bike to school as possible. As we reduce car traffic, all the students will be safer. Kindergarten parents, please see the letter from your child’s teacher for Kindergarten specific information.

Parents also please know that due to the Covid restrictions, we are asking that parents not enter to the school to walk their student to the classroom. Since we will be gathering on the back playground, there isn’t a need to help your child find their classroom. We will have instructional aides in the back that will help the students figure out what line to be in. The teachers will also come out early on the first day to meet the students.

Masks will be required by anyone in the school. Each student will be provided with 2 masks. They will also receive a breakaway lanyard that can attach to the mask so they won’t get lost. Students will not be required to wear a mask while at recess. I’ve received some angry emails about this requirement. This is a state policy coming from the governor. We don’t make the policy, we just get to follow it. The district is coming out with an official district policy that they will share shortly.

Another new thing is each student will be assigned a Chromebook. On the first day of school, the student will receive a permission slip and care agreement that needs to be signed by the parent before a Chromebook will be issued. Please talk with your child about caring for the computer. Having to get the permission slip signed and returned means that we won’t distribute the Chromebooks until the students come back for their 2nd day of in person school which will be August 24th or 25th.

For those that are enrolled at Lakeview but working entirely from home, you will need to contact your student’s teacher to make an appointment to pick up a Chromebook for your student. The teachers will be available for appointments starting Friday, August 21st. This will actually be sooner than the students coming to in person class will get their computers. The district has stated they will not allow them to be checked out before school begins. Please be patient as we work through this process.

The 2020 class lists are now updated on Powerschool. Please log into your parent portal to access that information. We are sorry it took so long but it was somewhat out of our control because we were waiting to get the survey data. It should now be updated.

The school schedule for 2020-2021 will look different depending on what phase we are in. We will begin the year in Phase 1:

Phase 1: Early Dismissal – 50% Building Capacity

1st – 6th grade classes will begin at 8:20 and end at 1:20. Kindergarten AM classes will be 8:20-10:20. PM classes 11:20- 1:20. Students have been divided alphabetically by the last name and will attend as follows: · A thru K will attend on Mondays and Wednesdays · L thru Z will attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays On the days the student doesn’t attend in person class, they will be working online from home. Friday is an online day for all students.

Once the health department gives the go ahead to Phase 2, we will move to this schedule:

Phase 2: Early Dismissal School – 100% Building Capacity

1st – 6th grade classes will begin at 8:20 and end at 1:20. Kindergarten AM classes will be 8:20-10:20. PM classes 11:20- 1:20 • Early Dismissal Schedules will run Monday – Thursday. • All students attend Monday – Thursday. Friday still online.

Eventually we anticipate moving back to a normal Phase 3:

Phase 3: Regular Schedule – 100% Building Capacity

• Regular Monday – Friday schedule resumes as permitted by health conditions. • 1st – 6th grade classes Monday-Thursday will begin at 8:20 and end at 3:00. Friday early out 8:20-1:10 • Kindergarten Monday-Thurs. AM 8:20-11:10 PM 12:10- 3:00 Friday early out: AM 8:20-10:20 PM 11:10-1:10 School for grades 1-6 will begin on August 19th. The first full day of Kindergarten will be August 26th.

Due to Covid we will not be able to have a back to school open house in person. Please watch for a message from the school letting you know how we will conduct a virtual classroom open house. Also due to Covid and cleaning needs, we will not be having an afterschool program this year. If things change in the future, we will let you know.

We are not allowed to charge a fee in elementary school for the day program. Each class or grade may ask for a donation to fund activities that are not covered by the regular school budget. We encourage you to be supportive of the donation request if possible. We emphasize that it is not required and your child will not be denied opportunities if a donation is not made but please know that it does help us. We encourage you to be active in the school PTA. Funds raised by the PTA help support the extra activities that make school great. We are looking forward to a wonderful year.

Even though we don’t charge fees, the state requires us to post Fee waiver information. It can be found here:

A Fee Waiver Application can be found in the sidebar of the District School Fees page

We encourage you to use the school web page as a source of information. It is easy to access.

We plan to keep things updated and make it worth your effort to visit the school web page. The parent handbook is available there also. We do not print hard copies. Also please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We try to post fun and relevant things for everyone to see. Thank you for your support during this time!


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