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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Dear Lakeview Families,

We want to thank you for your help with the start of this school year. It has been a bit of a rough road as we have transitioned back to full time school. Thank you for your patience as we have worked things out and for helping your students to re-adjust to a full day of school. There are a couple of things we would like to remind you about:

• Please don’t drop off your students before 8:00 unless they are coming to eat breakfast. The cafeteria doors open at 7:45 for breakfast. The before school time isn’t really meant to be a recess time. We recently had a nice parent ask if she could provide balls and things for the kids to play with before school. We thanked her but also told her that we really aren’t set up to have 700+ kids playing on the playground at the same time. We used to do this and had numerous injuries and many problems. When students arrive before 8:00 it creates problems for us.

• If you haven’t heard about our new book “vending” machine, we hope you will ask our child about it. We are using it as a reward for good behavior, great school work, or whatever the teacher feels merits some positive recognition. Students earn a token which they bring to the machine and exchange for a book. It has been a fun thing for our school. We recognize that with a variety of book choices, your student might choose a book that isn’t quite right. Feel free to come in and exchange it for another book if that happens. Mrs. Jackson in the front office can help with that.

• We’ve had a few inquiries about the lockdown that took place last week. Being in close proximity to Provo High, we will sometimes be asked to go into a “soft lock down” when something is happening over there. When this happens, we keep the kids in our building and lock our doors. School continues as normal except we aren’t going out for recess or PE. Students will still get a break or have PE but it won’t be outside. The district office decides if any notifications need to be sent out to parents. As always after an incident like this, our procedures are evaluated and any necessary adjustments are made.

Thanks again for all you do to support us here at Lakeview!


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