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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Dear Lakeview Families,

I want to thank you for a great start to our school year!  It is hard to believe the first term has already ended.  We hope you had a great fall break.

I also want to say thanks for the great support we had for the Lakeview Picnic.  We had a tremendous turnout and learned a few things that we will change for next year.  It is great to be able to interact with each other and build the Lakeview community.

SEP conferences will be held on November 6,7,8.  School will be dismissed at 1:10 on those days.  Watch for the sign up link soon.

Dr. Leite, our Assistant Principal, oversees our academic intervention program at Lakeview.  I asked her to write a brief explanation of how that runs.  Her is what she said:

“We have been conducting academic interventions since school started. Interventions are thirty-minute blocks during the school day in which students from every grade level can receive targeted support for struggles with math or literacy. At the beginning of the year, we hired a certified teacher, Angela Beesley, to help us in administering the program. Angela leads a group of 19 paraprofessionals who provide interventions in one of the classrooms, which they lovingly named Lion Academy. Each paraprofessional works with a small group of 4-6 students, using programs including 95% Group, Quickreads, Early Reading Intervention, and Sound Sensible. Students love going to Lion Academy to hone their skills and meet their math and literacy goals. We are grateful for the united partnership that our intervention team has with our teachers and administration.”

Finally, I wanted to give an update on a few items:

  • Playworks is up and running and going great.  There was a bit of confusion at first that students were being required to play some type of organized game at every recess.  That isn’t how Playworks functions.  Coach Heather teaches games that the kids can play but they are still free to choose whether to join in or not.  They can have time just to play on the equipment, play kickball, visit with a friend, etc.  The goal of Playworks is that no child will feel left out and also to promote positive playground behavior.  We are already seeing a drop in the number of behavior referrals from recess.
  • The drop off is going better.  Just another reminder that it helps if you pull up as far as possible when dropping off your student.  We often have a backup of cars at the start of the drop off area while there are empty spaces at the end of the drop off.
  • A reminder that our early morning room opens at 7:30 with breakfast served at 7:50.  Please don’t drop off your students earlier that 7:30.  There are no adults to supervise until then.

Thanks for all you do with your students.  The work you do at home coupled with the good things that are happening at Lakeview make for a quality education for our students.  We appreciate the opportunity to work with your children!


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