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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Dear Lakeview Students and Parents,

Welcome to another great year at Lakeview Elementary! Included in this letter is important information to prepare for the upcoming school year.

The school schedule for 2019-2020 will be the same as last year:

  • Monday-Thursday  8:20 – 3:00
  • Friday   8:20 – 1:10

The kindergarten schedule is listed below and also in the letter from the Kindergarten teachers.

The 2019 class lists should be updated on Powerschool by August 9th.  The timing on this is somewhat out of our control because we rely on the district to get Powerschool set up for the year.  Please log in on that date to see who will be your child’s teacher.

Back to school open house will be Wednesday, August 14th from 4:30 until 6:00. Please enter the school from the East gym doors that evening. We will have several information tables set up in the gym and hope to reduce congestion in the main hall and entry. We encourage parents to come with your children to meet the teachers, take any pictures you might want, pay lunch money, sign-up for PTA and volunteer positions and add to the enthusiasm of starting a new school year. This is a great time to get excited about the opportunities we have in front of us in the coming year!

The first day of school for grades 1- 6 is Thursday, August 15th.We will dismiss early (1:10) each day through the 20th for SEP parent conferences and assessments. Our first full day AND the first day for Kindergarten will be Wednesday the 21st.

As you buy new things to start the school year please remember to write names on lunch boxes and jackets. We end up with a large amount of lost and found each year that we can’t return to the correct owner.

Once again, we do encourage as many students to walk/bike to school as possible. As we reduce car traffic, all the students will be safer. We encourage those waiting for students to use the parking lot next to the tennis courts or other safe waiting areas until our parking lot construction is totally completed.  Please avoid waiting across the street on 1390 North. We continue to be concerned about students jaywalking across 1390 during this busy time to meet parents. Safety on 1390 is a big concern especially with the increased traffic due to the new High school and the construction to our west.

Our school Community Council has been functioning well. This year we will be holding an election on Sept. 18-20. If you are interested please contact the school and sign up as a candidate. We usually meet monthly and occasionally other times as needed.

The After School Program will not start until October. The morning room will be available starting the first day of school. The East hall door will be open starting at 7:30 and breakfast will be available for purchase beginning at 7:40. Students that come early will be required to be in the cafeteria or stay outside.  They will not be able to play in the hallway.  First bell will ring at 8:10 and students will be allowed in the other parts of the school at that time.

Once again, school begins for grades 1- 6 on August 15th at 8:20. The Kindergarten will do individual assessments August 15th –August 20th, and their beginning day will be Wednesday, August 21st. Check the letter from the kindergarten teachers for assessment sign up instructions.

Lakeview School Hours

Grades 1st – 6th Monday – Thursday – 8:20 am – 3:00 pm Friday – 8:20 am – 1:10 pm

Morning Kindergarten Monday – Thursday – 8:20 am – 11:10 am Friday – 8:20 am – 10:20 am

Afternoon Kindergarten Monday – Thursday – 12:10 pm – 3:00 pm Friday – 11:10 am -1:10 pm

Fee waiver information can be found here:

We are not allowed to charge a fee in elementary school for the day program. Each class or grade will ask for a donation to fund activities that are not covered by the regular school budget. We encourage you to be supportive of the donation request if possible. We emphasize that it is not required and your child will not be denied opportunities if a donation is not made but please know that it does help us. We encourage you to be active in the school PTA. Funds raised by the PTA help support the extra activities that make school great. We are looking forward to a wonderful year.

We encourage you to use the school web page as a source of information. It is easy to access at, click the “schools” button and select Lakeview from the drop down menu. We plan to keep things updated and make it worth your effort to visit the school web page. Also please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  We try to post fun and relevant things for everyone to see.  The parent handbook is available there also. We do not print hard copies.

Important dates for the 2019-20 school year

  • Back to School open house
                       August 14   4:30-6:00
  • Class Work Begins
                                     August 15
  • SEP early out days @ (1:10)                     August 15-20
  • Kindergarten classes begin
                      August 21
  • Labor Day No School
                                September 2
  • School Pictures                                          September 10
  • Community Council Elections
               September 18, 19, 20
  • School Family Picnic                                September 16
  • Fall Break                                                    October 17-21
  • Teacher training No School                    October 22
  • Halloween Parade
                                    October 31 @ 2:15
  • SEP Conferences, early out                    November 6,7, 8  out @1:10
  • Family Arts Night                                     November 18
  • Thanksgiving Break
                                 November 27-29
  • Christmas Break
                                       December 21 – January 5
  • Civil Rights Day No School                     January 20
  • Teacher training No School
                    January 21
  • SEP Conferences
-Early out                     February 5-7  out @1:10
  • Presidents Day No School                        February 17
  • Teacher training No School
                      February 18
  • Spring Break
                                                April 6-10
  • Fine Arts Concert                                        May 6
  • Field Day dismiss at 1:10
                           May 21
  • Last Day of school, dismiss at 1:10          May 22


Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA)


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