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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

As we celebrate the life and influence of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mrs. Bertuzzi’s class studied his dream for the world.  These first-grade students then shared their own dreams.

I have a dream that one day…

…there will be no more war! and lots of love and no more hate!

…there will be love and peace on this earth.

…there will be no more fighting and there will be no more hate in the world.

…everyone will be kind. I have a dream that there will be lots of LOVE!!!!!!!

…there will be peace and love.

…there will be peace, no more hate and lots of love.

…there will be no more bullies.

…there will be so much love in the world.

…there will be peace and no more fighting.

…there will be peace, no more bullies and no harm!

…there will be no more bullies in the world.

…there will be peace and no war. I also want kindness and no hate!

…there will be no more guns or killing. And no more violence and more love.

…there will be no war and lots of love.


Provo City School District will host four informational meetings to share and discuss construction and facilities information with the community. Each meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. on the dates...

May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week The Lakeview PTA needs a few more volunteers to help decorate doors for our Lakeview teachers this Friday! There is an assortment of colored butcher paper,...

Ice Cream Fundraiser - April 29th from 12 PM to 10 PM. Join us at Handel's Homemade Ice Cream in Orem, 1405 S State St., for our latest PTA fundraiser.  Be sure to mention that you are there for...
