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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

As part of Safety Week, Lakeview Lions were instructed in bus safety policies and procedures by the district Transportation Department.

Even though Lakeview is a walk-in school, our students often ride buses on field trips. You may want to review the Safe Travel to and from School: Student Conduct on School Buses policies below or on the district webpage at

And of course, always stop for school buses when the red lights are flashing.

Provo City School District Policy Series 6000: Finances and Operations 

Safe Travel to and from School: Student Conduct on School Buses       6605 P1

  • A. Students are expected to follow these rules and other reasonable expectations.
  • B. Students should arrive at their assigned bus stop five minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time.
  • C. Students shall wait in a safe place, clear of traffic and away from where the bus stops.
  • D. Students shall wait in an orderly line and avoid horseplay.
  • E. Students shall avoid the road or street in front of the bus until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver gives the crossing signal.
  • F. Upon entering the bus, students shall go directly to an available or assigned seat.
  • G. Students shall remain seated, facing the front with their feet on the floor and keep the aisle and exits clear.
  • H. Students shall maintain classroom conduct (no loud talking, loud laughing, shouting, disorderly or improper conduct) and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
  • I. Students shall refrain from throwing or passing objects on, from or into buses.
  • J. Students are permitted to carry only objects (instruments, backpacks, etc.) that fit in their lap. Skateboards are allowed only if they easily fit on the student’s lap.
  • K. NO USE of skateboards shall be allowed down the aisle of the bus.
  • L. The following shall not be allowed on the bus: foul language or possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, any other illegal substance, or weapons.
  • M. Students shall refrain from eating or drinking on the bus (avoid choking due to motion).
  • N. Students shall not carry hazardous materials, nuisance items and animals onto the bus.
  • O. Students shall respect the rights and safety of others.
  • P. Students shall not board or exit the bus, except at their designated stops, and only ride their assigned bus.
  • Q. Students shall not extend body parts or objects out of the bus windows.
  • R. Students shall not “hitch a ride” via the back bumper of the bus.
  • S. Damage to the bus or items belonging to bus passengers, shall be paid for by the student responsible for the damage.
  • T. Students shall be perfectly quiet when a bus comes to or is crossing a railroad track

Cross References: Policy 6605 Safe Travel to and from School

Adopted: March 11, 2014

Revised: November 3, 2014


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