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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Dear Lakeview Families,

It is hard to believe we are already half way done with the school year! We just finished up a great Kindness/Red Ribbon week. One of the highlights was the “Kindness Chain”. Each time a student did a kind act or received a kind act, they wrote it down on a paper chain link and added it to the chain. We had thousands of links in our chain! (see photos below) It was fun to see the students recognizing their classmates and teachers. We had an assembly where it was presented to the students. You can see a video on our Facebook page. We were also lucky to have the Provo Police Dept. send two officers and their K9 partners to talk about staying away from drugs. They demonstrated their K9 partners ability to locate illegal substances. We are grateful to have the Provo Police protecting our school, city, and citizens. We are also grateful for our great PTA members that helped organize it all. They have done a great job this year! Please consider joining if you haven’t already joined.

We are just wrapping up the middle of the year testing for DIBELS (now called Acadience). This tests the students abilities in literacy skills. It allows us to see if a student needs extra reading and literacy help. We are seeing great results.

Sign ups for Dual Language Immersion are now open for Kindergarten students interested in participating next year as 1st graders. Please see the flier that was sent home and emailed home.

SEP conferences are coming up on February 5th-7th. Please watch for the sign up link. We have great participation in SEP conferences and want to thank you for all you do to stay involved in the education of your children. When we all work together, we can accomplish great things!


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