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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Envision Utah, is a nonprofit working with the Association of Utah County Chambers to help Utah Valley residents weigh in on what the future of the community could look like. A big part of this project involves an online survey on growth-related issues called the Valley Visioning Survey. As a part of our outreach efforts, we’ve partnered with Adobe and Ancestry to incentivize survey completion by offering to donate $1.50 to local schools for every survey completed, so spread the word!




Envision Utah will donate $1.50 to local schools and universities for every teacher, parent, or community member at that school who completes the Valley Visioning survey this fall. Each adult who selects the name of the school when taking the survey will be counted, as will each student who is at least thirteen years old.

A maximum donation of $4,000 will be available per university, $2,500 per high school, and $1,000 per elementary or junior high/middle school up to a maximum county-wide amount of $15,000. The donations will be available on a first-come-first-served basis until the county-wide maximum runs out.

WHAT IS VALLEY VISIONING? Valley Visioning is an effort initiated by Envision Utah, the Association of Utah County Chambers, and others to ensure that Utah County has proactive strategies to accommodate its rapid growth. By the year 2065, Utah County’s population will nearly double in size, primarily from internal growth. This new growth will be our kids, our grandkids, our co-workers, and our friends. Just like us, they’ll need power, water, homes, schools, jobs, places to shop, places to play, and ways to get between them all. This is type of growth isn’t new for Utah County. The region has a history of growth and a successful track record of planning for the future. Now it’s our turn to plan for the future—for ourselves and for generations to come.

This fall, Envision Utah will invite everyone in Utah County to participate in the Valley Visioning survey. This survey will give you the chance to weigh in on how you want Utah County to grow—where will we get our water? What kind of communities will we build? How will people get around? Do we want to continue to shift our agricultural lands and water to other uses? And of course, how should we ensure we have a successful and thriving school system?

The results of this survey will be the foundation for a vision of Utah County’s future with specific strategies to make sure our community remains a great place to live. This vision will be a guide to policymakers, local governments, developers, businesses, and to all of us as we grow.



Take the Valley Visioning survey to share your vision—and earn $1.50 for your local school!


Valley Visioning is a community-wide effort to create a vision for growth in Utah County.

In the survey you will have the chance to weigh in on growth-related issues like water, transportation, education, and many others that will have big impacts on our future.

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: STEP ONE: Visit to learn more about the specific impacts of Utah Valley growth.

STEP TWO: If you’re 13 years or older, take the Valley Visioning survey to add your voice to the community’s vision.

STEP THREE: Be sure to choose which local school you’re taking the survey for. Adobe and Ancestry have offered to donate $1.50 to local schools for every survey taken. A maximum donation of $4,000 will be available per university, $2,500 per high school, and $1,000 per elementary or junior high/middle school up to a maximum countywide amount of $15,000.

VV Flyer (Schools)


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