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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

This week at Lakeview has been a busy one.  One of the highlights was the Sixth-grade World’s Fair which was held on Tuesday. Students studied and reported on a country of their choice. They were then placed in teams to create a display featuring customs, foods, clothing, and other interesting facts regarding their chosen country. 

More images can be found on our Facebook page. 

Sixth grade social studies standards include:

In the sixth grade, the focus for social studies turns to the world. Just as there is no possible way to learn about all facets of the United States, there is no way to learn about all the world has to offer. Rather, students will continue on their lifelong social studies journey with a study of people and places of the world from a variety of historic eras. Attention has been paid to reinforce relevance by connecting the past to the present whenever possible.

The sixth grade core is constructed within a chronological framework. This does not preclude teaching social studies thematically. Just as there are many ways of understanding social studies, there are many ways of teaching it. Chronology does help reinforce the essential understandings of time, continuity, and change, and is intended to help build a conceptual scaffold for future study.

Ancient civilizations are referenced in the first standard. Comparisons between civilizations from a variety of regions can help support awareness not only of history but of all the social studies disciplines, including geography, anthropology, and economics. Students will learn about selected regions of the world and the societies that have formed there, learning about their systems of governance, the rights and responsibilities they hold, how their societies have changed and continued over time, and how these regions are interconnected. Students will compare institutions common to all societies such as government, education, and religious institutions. They will also learn about current issues facing the world as well as potential opportunities for solutions.

The remaining standards reflect specific epochs of time: The Middle Ages and Renaissance, The Age of Revolutions, and The Modern World. The focus on these specific epochs should allow students to explore ideas and concepts in depth, learning life lessons and making connections that will inspire and excite them for their lives to come.


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