Last modified: February 26, 2025
Parent Handbook
Welcome Parents and Students
At Lakeview Elementary School we strive to create an environment that gives all children the opportunity to achieve their fullest personal and academic potential in order to become productive and responsible citizens. Every student should have the opportunity to achieve this potential in a safe, caring, challenging, and innovative learning environment. For this reason, the Lakeview Staff has adopted common social skills to help create a positive environment for our children. We believe that good schools are child-centered and plan to promote positive activities that reinforce these skills.
Lakeview Elementary School Mission and Expectation
Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement for Lakeview Elementary
The mission of Lakeview Elementary School is to ensure every student’s intellectual and emotional growth and to promote effective social behavior. This will be accomplished through continued cooperation between school, community, parents, and students. We will foster a school climate that is safe and supportive of individual students, enabling them to succeed in our ever-changing world.
R.O.A.R. Expectations
As students, parents, and teachers of Lakeview Elementary School we will…
- Respect ourselves and others by:
- Obeying Rules;
- Accepting responsibility for our actions;
- Responding appropriately to others.
These simple guidelines are our general rules governing social responsibility. Throughout the school year, we will teach and review specific social skill steps with our students and ask that you support our efforts at home (see related pages under “social skills”).
School Hours
- Kindergarten
- Morning: 8:20–11:10 (Mondays-Thursdays), 8:20–10:20 (Fridays)
- Afternoon: 12:10–3:00 (Mondays-Thursdays), 11:10–1:10 (Fridays)
- First-Sixth Grades
- 8:20–3:00 (Mondays-Thursdays)
- 8:20–1:10 (Fridays)
First–sixth grade students will begin school mid-August (date to be determined by the district administration). Early dismissals and teacher quality days will be listed on the monthly newsletters as well as found on the monthly calendars in this handbook.
Lakeview kindergarten students will begin school approximately one week after the other students (date to be determined by the district administration), after kindergarten individual interviews and assessments have been completed. The kindergarten teachers will schedule these appointments.
- The Provo School District policy allows 5 unexcused absences per year (180 days). Parents need to call in each day a student is absent for an excused absence. A doctor’s note with specific days missed for medical reasons listed will be accepted and not counted as an absence. Only days listed on the doctor’s note will be a “D” or “doctor” excused absence.
- We encourage students to be present and on time every day. However, if your child is sick, please keep him/her at home. Do not send sick students to school.
- PSD attendance guidelines define 3 days tardy as one unexcused absence. Please make sure students are a few minutes early to avoid being late. The tardy bell rings at 8:20, and students must be in the classroom at that time, not walking to class or entering the school.
- Good attendance gives students a better opportunity to succeed in school and to have a better opportunity for academic and social experiences. We recognize good attendance at Lakeview, both in the classroom and school-wide.
Tardies and Check-Outs
- A student who enters the classroom after the 8:20 a.m. bell will be recorded “tardy” or given a “T” for that day. The student must first come to the office for a late slip, which must then be immediately given to his/her teacher. This helps track all students in the classroom and the office and assists in notifying parents of absent students.
- A student who is checked out before the school day is officially over will be recorded as a “checkout.” Checkouts are documented in the school office. Each student must be checked out through the office with parent or guardian permission. If there are no excessive checkouts, there will usually be no negative consequences for the student.
- If a student is late due to a doctor or dentist appointment, please ask the provider for verification of the visit. The tardy will then be marked as a “C,” indicating a medical visit, and will not be counted against the attendance record.
- A student must attend for at least half of a school day to be counted as present for that day. This applies to both tardies and early checkouts.
Family Vacations
Please notify us if your family will be away on vacation so the teacher can save important assignments for your child to complete upon return. No advanced assignments will be prepared. We have found that completing assignments while on vacation is difficult for students and places a hardship on teachers.
However, we ask that you visit the office and fill out a form to help us excuse your child for the time away. You will be asked to have your student complete some Math and Reading while gone and follow requested guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation.
Moving Away
Please notify the office and your child’s classroom teacher at least one week in advance if you are moving away from Lakeview Elementary School. Ensure that all library books, school textbooks, and school materials are returned before your child checks out permanently.
Visiting by Family or Friends
Legally, the only students who are permitted to attend Lakeview are those who are officially enrolled. Please do not allow cousins or friends who are not registered students to go to school with your child(ren). This is distracting to classmates and to the teacher.
Health Services
Lakeview Elementary School will have the assistance of a school nurse for one day per week. She will provide state-mandated health services such as vision, hearing, and growth screening, and maintenance of health and immunization records. You will be notified of any deficiencies in the vision or hearing exams.
Feel free to contact the office to leave a message for the nurse at any time during the school year if you have a concern about medical issues that affect your child. The school nurse also performs routine classroom health checks and makes contact with parents regarding any health issues. If she is available, she will also care for students with injuries or illnesses that occur at school.
We also have a Health Clerk on-site every day. She is trained in first aid and works closely with our school nurse. Working together, our School Nurse and Health Clerk provide the care our students might need.
Please be sure to inform the school of any medical problems by adding them to the yellow health form. These forms are updated yearly in the fall.
Rules for the Control of Communicable and Infectious Diseases
Children having any contagious or infectious disease should not return to school unless cleared by the school nurse or accompanied by a note from the child’s physician. The following conditions should be considered communicable. Parents should notify the school if their child has been affected by any of these for advice on readmission to class:
- Meningitis
- Lice (Pediculosis)
- Chicken Pox (Varicella)
- Poliomyelitis
- Pink-Eye (Conjunctivitis)
- Scarlet Fever
- Strep Throat
- Hepatitis
- Ringworm
- Mononucleosis
- Scabies
- Worms or Parasites
- Measles (Rubella)
- Impetigo
- German Measles
- Mumps
- Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
- H1N1 (Swine Flu)
- Staph Infection
Policy, Immunizations, and Medication
Accidents and Illnesses
Whenever a serious accident or illness occurs at school, we will do everything within our power to contact a parent. If this fails, we will notify the friend or neighbor listed on your yellow health form completed at the beginning of each school year. In extreme emergencies, when we are unable to contact these people, we may call the paramedics.
It is critical that you let the school office know your current home, work, and cell numbers so we can reach you.
A child who has been vomiting or has a fever should remain home until symptoms have been gone for 24 hours. If a child becomes ill during school hours, parents are expected to make arrangements to have the child removed from school right away. Parents without transportation, and working parents, should make arrangements for this possibility early in the school year and indicate their wishes on the yellow health form.
Provo School District Wellness Policy
The following is from the Provo School District Wellness Policy:
“A healthy child is more ready and able to learn than an unhealthy one. We ask for your assistance this year in helping your child to stay as healthy as possible. Please provide a nutritious breakfast for your child before he or she comes to school, or encourage your child to eat breakfast at school.
We also need to inform you that in accordance with Utah County Health Regulations and our new district wellness policy, you may not send homemade and/or home-packaged items to be served or sold at school. This regulation applies to treats you may send for class parties, foods your children may sell for fundraisers, and all other foods in school (except, of course, those foods that you send with and for your own child). Please send only commercially prepared and packaged foods.”
Utah law requires that school records include complete immunization records. Records must include documentation of the month, day, and year for each immunization and are required before admission to school:
- DPT – 5 doses
- Polio – 4 doses (The fifth DPT and fourth Polio need to be given after the child’s fourth birthday.)
- Hepatitis B – 3 doses (K-4th grade students)
- Hepatitis A – 2 doses
- MMR – 2 doses (MMR must be given after the first birthday.)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) (Required unless the date the child had Chicken Pox is provided.)
- TB Vaccination (Required for students coming from a foreign country or from certain states. Check with the office or school nurse for more information.)
It is recommended that whenever possible, all doses of medication should be given at home by the parents. Except in unusual circumstances, medicines that are given one, two, or three times a day should always be given at home.
Utah State law prohibits any employee in a public school from administering over-the-counter pain relievers (i.e., Tylenol/Advil) without parental permission. If your child needs pain medication for some reason, a parent will be called before medication is given.
Other over-the-counter medications and prescription medications cannot be given to a student without a signed statement from your physician. A complete written request form must be on file with the school secretary. A note must accompany the medication from the physician stating:
- Child’s Name
- Name of Medication
- Strength of Medication
- Dosage for This Child
- Physician’s Name
- Date Prescribed
If your child must be given medication at school, please contact the principal or the school nurse.
Parents who wish to administer medication to their child during the school day may do so. However, they must report to the office first.
All medication should be brought to school by the parent in the original pharmacy container. For the safety of all children, please do not send medications to school with your child. Please bring them directly to the office with the required documentation.
Discipline Policies
Challenging and exciting work is the best motivator for students. Therefore, teachers have the primary responsibility for enhancing and maintaining an effective learning climate.
Our primary objective is to help students take advantage of their educational opportunities by being responsible and by allowing them to make decisions and accept the consequences of their choices. We believe that the atmosphere at Lakeview Elementary should be characterized by a respect for adults and those in authority and a reciprocal respect for the dignity and individuality of each child.
Students will be given every opportunity to achieve success. However, those who persist in creating behavioral problems inside or outside of the classroom will be subject to disciplinary action. The overall school plan is to deal with student misbehavior in a consistent and fair manner, ensuring a proper educational setting while prioritizing student safety and welfare.
We reiterate the value and importance of our school character traits:
- Respect the rights of others.
- Obey all school rules.
- Accept responsibility for your actions.
- Respond appropriately to others.
Levels of Discipline
First Level Discipline
The majority of student discipline will be handled at the classroom level by the teacher or adult in charge. The principal, in conjunction with our Behavior Specialist, will handle continual misbehavior or any incident that requires immediate attention.
Student discipline at this level falls into two categories:
- A referral from an adult staff member who has already attempted some type of intervention to correct the misbehavior. This includes documented classroom consequences and/or parental contact.
- A major issue referral that requires immediate attention, such as fighting, dangerous conduct, total defiance, or complete class disruption.
Second Level Discipline
If a student has had more than three behavior incidents handled by the teacher, the student will be referred to our Behavior Specialist.
The Behavior Specialist will work with the student to correct behavior and identify ways to improve based on specific incidents. This meeting will occur in our Life Skills Room (LSR) to prevent disruptions in the classroom. A student may be assigned additional time in the LSR to complete work away from the classroom.
The LSR may also be used for In-School Suspension when needed. Parents will be contacted whenever a student is referred to the LSR.
Third Level Discipline
Consequences for student misbehavior may include:
- Conference with student about the incident
- Loss of recess or activity
- Parent conference
- In-school suspension
- Out-of-school suspension
- Referral to outside sources
- Police involvement
Parent Involvement in Discipline
Parent involvement and cooperation are essential in any discipline situation. Success in a child’s development comes through a partnership between the school, students, parents, and the community.
We welcome parents to visit with staff and discuss issues of concern. We urge parents to become involved in the entire school process, including discipline and reinforcement measures that recognize or correct their child.
Wellness Room
We have recently added a Wellness Room at Lakeview. We recognize that some students may occasionally need a place to calm themselves down due to anxiety, frustration, anger, or other reasons. The Wellness Room has low lighting, comfortable seating, soothing sounds, and activities that are intended to be calming.
Our goal is that students learn to take a break, self-regulate their emotions, and be ready to return to class and learn. This room is monitored by our Behavior Specialist. Students will generally be there for a short time before returning to class.
The first year we implemented the Wellness Room, referrals to our Life Skills Room (LSR) dropped in half. Instead of getting into trouble, students learned to control their emotions before behavior escalated.
If this is something you feel your child would benefit from, please contact their teacher.
Choosing Words Carefully
A person’s choice of words represents his/her character. At Lakeview, we believe that positive “pull-ups” (comments) create a better learning environment for all. Vulgar expressions are completely unacceptable.
Such behavior will result in immediate consequences and will be reported directly to parents.
General School Rules
- Students will be expected to be on time and be prepared for class.
- Hands, feet, and other objects will be kept to oneself. Respect will be shown for others and their property.
- We will all be proud of our school and keep it clean. We will not litter.
- Shoes and shirts will be worn at all times.
- Hats will only be worn outside of the building.
- Gum, candy, sunflower seeds, etc. will not be permitted at school.
- Rock (or snowball) throwing and other dangerous play will not be permitted on the playground.
- All equipment will be used in a safe manner, in the way it was designed to be used.
- Students will not play or loiter in the hallways, restrooms, or around the drinking fountains. During recess, students will enter and exit the building through their assigned doors.
- Students will dress and groom in an appropriate manner that is not distracting to others’ learning. (See dress standards.)
- Toys, electronic devices, candy, money, etc. must remain at home unless given permission by the teacher for an educational purpose.
- Quiet and orderly conduct is required and expected while in the hallway.
- Students will not leave the school grounds during the day for any reason unless checked out from the office by a parent or guardian.
- Soda pop, candy, chips, and snacks are fine with a home lunch but must remain in the lunchroom.
Safe School Policy
The Provo School District Safe and Orderly School Policy will be followed and enforced. The policy booklet will be given to each parent and reviewed at the initial S.E.P. conference.
The policy includes expectations regarding:
- Weapons
- Drugs
- Fighting
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Harassment
- Offensive language and behavior
- Disruptive and disrespectful conduct
Please read the policy and help your child understand the seriousness of making inappropriate choices.
Securing the Building
In compliance with Provo School District’s Security Procedures Manual, all access to the school will be through the main front door. After school begins at 8:20, all other doors will be locked. Please plan accordingly.
Starting in 2022, we will be using the RAPTOR entry system. More information will follow.
Possession of Weapons
Students are prohibited from the possession of any weapons on school property. A “weapon” shall include, but not be limited to, any knife, cutting instrument, martial arts tools, firearm, gun (including BB and/or air guns), and any other device capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.
Youngsters who violate this policy may be reported to law enforcement officials and/or suspended from school, as determined on a case-by-case basis.
Leaving School Grounds
For your child’s safety, unless your child has been checked out by the office to go home for lunch or an appointment, all students must stay within the boundaries of Lakeview Elementary during school hours. If a student leaves without permission, the police may be called.
Staying After School
If your child plans to stay after school longer than 5 minutes, he/she should notify you before leaving home or call by telephone. Every classroom has a phone that is available to the students to call home as needed. Your child should ask for permission before using the classroom telephone.
Telephone Use
Parents are asked to make after-school arrangements with their children before they leave home. It is not desirable to interrupt classroom instruction to deliver messages. In addition, the office telephone cannot handle last-minute calls for all students in the building.
If a student must contact a parent, there are telephones available in each classroom, and your child should ask his/her teacher for permission before calling.
A student may carry a cell phone if it remains in his/her backpack during the school day and is only used before or after school hours. However, please remember that we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.
Before and After School Safety
- In order to avoid unsafe situations, encourage your child to come straight home immediately after school is dismissed.
- Remind your children:
- Never ask for or accept rides from strangers.
- Report to their teachers, police officers, or parents any stranger seen loitering near the school and try to remember what the stranger looked like and how he was dressed.
- A police officer is the child’s friend and will help him/her whenever there is trouble.
Orderly Conduct Policy
Behaviors that deprive other students or faculty members of an orderly and safe learning environment are prohibited at Lakeview Elementary. This applies to actions of students during school hours, before and after school while on school property, while traveling in vehicles authorized by the school or district, at all school or district-related events, and when the actions affect the safe operation of Lakeview Elementary School.
Recess and Recreation
In addition to lunch recess time, each class will have a twenty-minute recess on clear weather days. Please be sure your child is always prepared for the weather conditions of the day.
Lakeview Elementary will supply equipment for play. Please do not send equipment from home. If there is something your child thinks we should have on the playground that we don’t have, have them talk with one of the Playground Aides. We purchase new items each year.
Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Etc.
Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and rollerblades are welcome at school but should not be ridden in the hallways. There isn’t enough room to store these items in the Lakeview classrooms. If your child plans to ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, or rollerblades to school, please carefully review the following expectations:
- If your child is on a bicycle, they should take it to the bike rack and lock it up.
- For safety, please advise your child to wear a helmet. Helmets will be stored in their backpack in their cubby.
- Please teach your child to be courteous and give the right-of-way to pedestrians.
- Scooters and skateboards must be carried down the hallway in an orderly fashion; riding them inside of the school building is not allowed.
- Rollerblades must be removed and placed in a book bag or backpack. This also applies to shoes with wheels. If the wheels are not removable, your child may not wear these types of shoes inside the school building and should have another pair to change into before entering the building.
Remember, although Lakeview Elementary School allows bikes, skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades, we cannot take responsibility if they are lost or stolen. Please be sure your child’s name is printed on whatever they choose to ride to school. Students should use a lock on anything left in the bike racks.
If students do not adhere to these rules, their equipment will be taken to the office. Parents will then need to come to the school to retrieve their child’s equipment. These rules have been designed for the safety of all children.
Playground Rules
While on the playground, Lakeview Lions will:
- Always show respect to self, others, and property.
- PLAY on the playground. There will be no tackle games, fighting, or rough play of any kind.
- Settle differences peacefully by responding appropriately to others.
- Follow all instructions given by the school staff.
- Stay outside during noon recess unless entering the assigned door to go to the restroom or get a drink. In the event of stormy or very cold weather, a “Quiet Room” will be available. However, it will always be a choice to go outside, so always dress appropriately for the conditions.
- Throw only balls or other objects designated as “OK” by school rules and/or recess supervisors. Rocks, snowballs, sticks, hard balls, or any other unsafe object will not be thrown!
- Play in the areas designated for their grade levels. Students will not be allowed to play or “hang out” in the parking lots. If a ball goes into the parking lot, one student will look for oncoming cars, then carefully retrieve the ball and return immediately to the play area.
- Eat only in the lunchroom/cafeteria (unless arrangements are made to eat elsewhere by the classroom teacher). No food, candy, gum, etc., is to be taken and eaten on the playground.
- Leave toys and other inappropriate objects at home. These include (but are not limited to) pocketknives, matches, fireworks, CD players, handheld video games and/or other electronic devices, and game cards (i.e., Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh! cards).
- Line up quickly in the area directed by the teacher when it is their time to come in from recess.
- Stay on the playground without leaving the school grounds, unless pre-approved by a parent/guardian. In this case, before leaving and upon returning, students must check out and check in through the office.
Breakfast and Lunch at Lakeview
Lakeview School has a federally funded breakfast and lunch program. Students may go home for lunch, bring a sack lunch, or eat hot lunch in the cafeteria. If students choose to go home for lunch, they must sign out at the office and sign in upon return to school. This is to help us ensure all children are accounted for and safe!
Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:05. All children should be finished eating by 8:10 when the first bell rings. The cost for breakfast is $1.25.
Lunch begins with the older students at 10:45. Students may pre-purchase lunches in the office any day before school. The cost for a student lunch is $2.00. Make checks payable to Lakeview Elementary School. It is strongly recommended that payment be made through the office before the school day begins to prevent loss of money.
Each student will be given a three-day notice when his/her lunch money is about to expire. Please do not forget to send lunch money with your child. Lunches cannot be charged. If you think your family might qualify for free or reduced lunch costs, please obtain applicable information and forms from the front office.
Milk may be purchased separately. We ask that you do not send carbonated beverages (soda) in cans or bottles. The daily menu listings are advertised each month and distributed to students.
Lunchroom Rules and Expectations
- Put balls and/or sports equipment in the ball bin before coming into the cafeteria.
- Enter calmly and quietly. walk at all times.
- Stand quietly in line – no playing, bothering others, or cutting in front of others.
- If you need help, ask the supervisor(s) for it.
- If someone is bothering you, don’t react and get in trouble; tell the person to stop. If they don’t, report it to the supervisor.
- Use proper language and speak as quietly as possible.
- Be respectful to servers at the counter. They are required by law to give you a certain number of items.
- Carefully take your food to the assigned table. If you spill or have problems, ask the supervisor for help and/or clean up after yourself.
- Condiments are to remain on the condiment table.
- Eat in a respectful way. Leave other people’s food alone. Don’t play with food or throw it or anything else while in the lunchroom.
- When you have finished eating, take your tray to the return area.
- Leave your table and floor area clean. Leave it better than you found it.
- Put silverware in the tray. Put trash, paper, plastic, etc. in the trash.
Expectations: Assembly, Money, Dress Code, Fees
Assembly Expectations
Assemblies are held for educational, cultural, and entertainment purposes. Students are expected to:
- Enter and exit in a quiet and orderly manner.
- Show respect to presenters and performers by listening attentively.
- Refrain from talking, whispering, or causing disruptions during the presentation.
- Clap appropriately to show appreciation, but avoid excessive noise.
- Remain seated until dismissed by a teacher or school staff member.
Failure to meet assembly expectations may result in removal from the assembly and disciplinary action.
Money at School
Students are discouraged from bringing money to school unless it is for lunch, book orders, or school-approved purchases. If money is brought to school, the following rules apply:
- Parents should place money in a labeled envelope for safe handling.
- Students are responsible for any money they bring; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen money.
- Large sums of money should not be brought to school.
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress in a way that is appropriate for the learning environment. The following dress code guidelines apply:
- Clothing must be clean and in good condition.
- Clothing must cover undergarments and midsections at all times.
- Shirts with inappropriate language, images, or references to drugs, alcohol, or violence are not allowed.
- Hats and hoods may not be worn inside the building, except on designated hat days or for medical/religious reasons.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be of an appropriate length.
- Students should wear appropriate footwear for recess and physical education activities.
The school administration reserves the right to determine if clothing is inappropriate and will contact parents if necessary.
Fees and Payments
Some school activities and programs may require fees. Parents will be notified in advance if a fee is required. Payment policies include:
- All fees should be paid in the front office or online through the school’s payment system.
- Checks should be made payable to Lakeview Elementary School.
- If financial assistance is needed, parents should contact the school office.
Fees help support student activities, field trips, and other educational opportunities.
Character Development & Social Instruction: Lakeview Lion's Social Skills
Adequate social development may be considered the foundation of personal and social adjustment in life (Mathur and Rutherford, 1996). A socially skilled person is capable of managing his or her social environment by understanding and responding to social situations effectively.
Social Skills can be viewed as socially acceptable patterns of behavior that enable students to gain social reinforcement and acceptance while avoiding aversive social situations.
The following social skills and steps support our ROAR expectations. These will be taught and reviewed during the year. As teachers and other Lakeview staff observe students following the steps of a social skill, they will be given Praise Notes to reinforce their great behavior efforts. At Lakeview, we “R.O.A.R.” for good character!
R – Respect myself and others
- How To Follow Directions:
- Look at the person.
- Say, “OK” or show that you understand.
- How To Listen:
- Look at the person.
- Think about what is being said.
- Do the task immediately.
- Check back if necessary.
O – Obeying all rules
- How To Make Good Choices:
- Think about the issue.
- Make a list of choices.
- Think of the consequences of each choice.
- Make the best choice for all.
- How To Accept Consequences:
- Ask yourself, “What did I do?”
- Decide if you were wrong.
- Ask yourself, “What was I supposed to be doing?”
- Describe to the person what you did without making excuses.
- Say what you will do next time and apologize.
A – Accepting responsibility for my actions
- How To Resolve Differences:
- Decide if you and the other person disagree.
- Tell how you feel about the problem.
- Ask the person how he/she feels about the problem.
- Listen to the answer.
- Suggest or ask for a compromise.
R – Responding appropriately to others
- How To Show Appreciation:
- Ask yourself, “What did the person do for me?”
- Look at the person.
- Say, “Thank you,” in a pleasant voice.
- Tell what you appreciate.
Objective for School Environment
Further, it is our objective at Lakeview Elementary School to create a positive school environment that nurtures the social, emotional and academic well-being of all students. Teachers and other faculty members at Lakeview Elementary School are committed to:
- Maintain high expectations of all students
- Expect students to come to school on time and prepared
- Model appropriate behavior
- Write “Praise Notes” to “catch” good behaviors of all students
- Teach/review social skills
- Explain social skill home connections to students and parents
- Show respect for students and understand individual needs
- Inform parents regularly of classroom events and activities
- Update class webpages at least monthly
Home and School Connection
At Lakeview Elementary School, we advocate the involvement of parents and families in their children’s education. We believe relationships between home & school will enhance your child’s education. Family involvement encourages student achievement and other positive attitudes and behaviors that increase success in school.
Getting involved in your child’s education can be as simple as reading with your child, listening to your child, and supporting their efforts to learn. We strongly encourage our parents to:
- Attend school meetings.
- Volunteer at Lakeview. Help is always welcome!
- Attend all conferences.
- Read all newsletters and other communications sent home.
PTA Board Meetings are held monthly (day and time determined by PTA leadership) and parents are welcome visitors. General Meetings are held twice during the school year, and advance notice will be sent home.
There will be opportunities for students, parents, and teachers to meet at the beginning of each school year. All are encouraged to attend these events to become more familiar with the school community, including teachers, faculty members, neighbors, and friends. These events also provide an opportunity to express interest in school/classroom volunteerism and to learn about various activities for the upcoming year. We urge you to become involved!
Lion Cub Carriers
The youngest child in each family who attends Lakeview is designated as the Lion Cub Carrier. This child will receive all bulletins, newsletters, and other publications relevant to parents. Please check your child’s backpack for these informative pages and teach them to bring these bulletins home promptly so you do not miss any important school information.
A reasonable amount of homework that is modeled in the classroom may be assigned. It will be designed to reinforce what students are being taught during the day in the classroom.
Students are accountable for completing and returning homework promptly. A parent, a brother, or a sister may help with difficult assignments, but should not do the homework for the student. Let students do as much as they can alone. Homework is intended to help students stretch, grow, and be responsible.
Every child should be reading each school night!
Volunteering at School
Volunteers are an essential factor in the success of Lakeview Elementary School. We believe many of our parents and grandparents have valuable expertise that can be shared with our school! If you are interested in volunteering, please inform your children’s teachers or a PTA board member.
1. Volunteering Directly with the Classroom Teacher
Sign up with your child’s teacher to assist in the classroom by:
- Assisting with learning centers.
- Preparing teaching materials and displays.
- Chaperoning a field trip.
2. Volunteering Through the Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.)
Contact the PTA president to volunteer in the following ways:
- Be a Room Representative.
- Serve on the PTA Board as a Commissioner.
- Assist with PTA-directed activities.
- Share a specific talent or area of expertise during grade-level enrichment classes (Fridays).
- Other duties requested and scheduled by the teacher.
- Participate in a one-time event (family picnic, book fair, SEP supper, etc.).
- Assist with emergency preparedness.
Visiting the School, Parking, and Lost & Found
Visiting the School
Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, the RAPTOR system will be in place at all schools in Provo City School District. This system requires a scan of a government-issued ID before entrance to the school will be granted. Once the ID has been scanned and checked against the offender database, a Visitor’s Badge will be printed. It must be obtained before entering the school.
Once in the school, please check in at the front office. If your child forgot his/her lunch, please drop it off at the office with the child’s and teacher’s name written on it, and we will be sure it is properly delivered.
Parents should not disturb teachers and students by going to the classrooms directly unless a visit has been prearranged with the teacher. We also ask that you drop off and pick up your children at the assigned exit doors and not at the classroom doors.
In order to maintain an effective traffic safety program, your cooperation is needed. Our goal is safety for your children, not convenience for parents.
You can help us promote our safety program by observing all posted signs as well as the directional arrows that have been painted on the asphalt.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is located in the east vestibule between the doors leading out to the courtyard.
Unclaimed items are donated to charitable organizations at the end of the school year. Please check this area often.
Curriculum and Progress Reports
Lakeview Elementary School promotes a well-rounded curriculum that provides each student the opportunity to acquire personal knowledge and wisdom. Teachers and students interact in a classroom climate where relationships are valued and where students are encouraged to continually stretch towards their potential. We adhere to the Utah State Core curriculum. A copy of the curriculum for your child’s grade level is available online at the Utah State Office of Education website.
The Provo District adopted math program is Into Math by Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt. Computation, problem-solving, and higher-order thinking skills are taught using manipulatives, calculators, and computers.
Language Arts
A balanced literacy approach will be used by teachers to provide instruction appropriate for each of his/her students. Additionally, the Provo School District has adopted a basal reading program called Wonders, which will also be utilized to assure your child learns all he/she is capable of.
The Six Traits writing rubric is used to help students assess and improve their writing. Speaking, listening, thinking, reading, writing, and dramatic presentations provide opportunities for growth and development.
For more information about the Wonders reading program, please visit: Wonders Reading Program or talk to your child’s classroom teacher.
Hands-on experiments, demonstrations, field trips, and university professors provide instruction.
Mrs. Gray is a terrific art teacher who teaches each class each week. Art history, art appreciation, art criticism, and art production are all part of our disciplined-based art program. The classroom teacher is responsible for integrating art into his/her daily curriculum and schedule as well.
Our certified music teachers use the Kodaly method. Music appreciation, theory, instruments, notation, sight-reading, listening, singing, and performing all provide rich educational opportunities.
Social Studies
Patriotism, history, sociology, economics, geography, politics, and community involvement help students develop an understanding of their diverse world and become contributing citizens.
Students are learning skills to use technology as a tool for learning and communicating. Keyboarding, word processing, email, research via the Internet, multimedia, coding, and video production are taught by both our computer teacher and the classroom teacher with the use of mobile labs and computer access within the classrooms.
P.E. and Health
Supervised activities strengthen muscles, develop agility, and increase endurance. The curriculum also includes lessons on developing a healthy lifestyle. Lakeview Elementary School has a P.E. teacher, and classrooms will rotate to see them at least once weekly.
The health curriculum includes:
- K-3rd Grades: Good health practices, respect for life, personal safety, and physical fitness.
- 4th-6th Grades: Safety, first aid, handling negative peer pressure, disease prevention, and the immune system.
In accordance with Provo School District policies, sex education is taught best in the home along with responsible moral values. However, our fifth-grade boys and girls will participate in an annual maturation presentation for students and parents. Along with their parents, boys and girls meet separately for a discussion on emotional, social, mental, and physical changes that occur during puberty. Personal hygiene and good manners are also taught.
Gifted Education
We commit to challenging all students to reach their full potential by providing stimulating learning activities, critical thinking tasks, and opportunities to collaborate with others. All teachers will set high expectations to stretch students’ academic and emotional well-being and plan for a minimum of 40 hours of enrichment/gifted lessons for their students throughout the year.
By offering a variety of opportunities, we strive to help our students become resourceful, independent, and creative thinkers.
Student Progress Reports
Teachers will send progress reports home to parents four times a year at the end of each quarter. Parents may also access their child’s grades and attendance via the Internet.
Log onto PowerSchool located on the Provo School District’s home page. PowerSchool provides access to information about your child’s attendance, grades, and assignments.
If you have trouble accessing the information online or do not have access to a computer, please call the school for help. We want to provide you with timely and accurate information.
You can always call your child’s teacher when you have concerns or need information about your child’s performance. They are eager to work with you to help your child succeed.
Three regularly scheduled SEP conferences are held during the year (see school calendar). Parents may also call 374-4990 to request a conference or phone visit at any time. Teachers will schedule visits before or after school hours so instruction time is not interrupted.
Students Living Outside of School Boundaries
Lakeview Elementary School accepts families who live outside the school boundaries when there is available space in the requested grade level. Out-of-Area Petitions are initiated through the Provo District Office at 280 W. 940 N.
As an out-of-area family, it is important to be aware of the compliance requirements for continued attendance. Any infractions of these terms will put your child’s enrollment at Lakeview in jeopardy:
- Maintain 90% attendance.
- No more than five tardies per term.
- Class assignments must be completed and turned in on time.
- Parent support and follow-through with school assignments.
- No discipline problems.
- Transportation is to be provided by parents. Students should not be dropped off earlier than 7:45 AM and must be picked up within 15 minutes after school is dismissed.
Ethnic Diversity
Lakeview Elementary School welcomes students from many different countries. Our goal is to celebrate this diversity by learning more about others’ countries, cultures, religions, and traditions.
In addition, we offer ESL classes and support for students who speak English as their second language. Many of our teachers have earned their ESL endorsement to better support these students.
We want to help our students develop a sense of fellowship with each other. We extend a sincere invitation to any interested Lakeview family to come and teach us more about your heritage.
Special Services, Compliance Issues, and Accommodations
Special Education
Children needing additional support or experiencing academic difficulties and/or behaviors that limit academic success may be referred for assessment by Lakeview’s special education team.
Through a collaborative process, parents, teachers, administration, and other support personnel will strive to find the most appropriate education for the struggling student. If needed, all parties involved in the student’s education will develop an Individualized Educational Program (IEP).
Speech & Language Therapy
Our speech and language clinician evaluates children who have suspected speech and/or language difficulties, following the completion of the referral process.
If speech and language services are indicated, the clinician, parent, and classroom teacher develop an Individualized Educational Program. Conferences with the clinician are held with both parents and teachers.