Last modified: February 28, 2025
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): Yes; SWD
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI): No
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1: Math
- Every grade level K-6 will have 50% of students proficient or above on Acadience Math (or NWEA).
- Every grade level 3-6 will have 50% of students proficient or above on RISE math.
Goal 2: ELA
- Every grade level K-6 will have 70% of students proficient or above and 80% of students making typical or above growth on Acadience Reading.
- Every grade level 3-6 will have 50% of students proficient or above on RISE English language arts.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- Provide push-in Tier 2 math support with instructional assistants.
- Goal Area: MA
- Cost: $40,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Provide pull-out Tier 2 literacy support with instructional assistants.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Cost: $50,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Leadership Team Stipends to support schoolwide math and PLC focus.
- Goal Area: MA
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: Tchr Quality
- Expenditure: Stipends
- Specialty Teachers to provide teacher prep time (45 minutes daily X 4 days = 3 hours/week) so that teachers can plan high-quality Tier 1 instruction as a grade-level team, using student data.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Cost: $70,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Push-in classroom aide support for K-2 to conduct Acadience math and reading benchmarks and progress monitoring.
- Goal Area: MA
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Provide pull-out Tier 2 ML support with one instructional assistant.
- Goal Area: ML
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Provide support for Students with Disabilities (SWDs) with one instructional assistant.
- Goal Area: SWD
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: SpEd
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Continue work with Katie Smith from Impact Teams to improve the quality of PLCs and data-driven instruction.
- Goal Area: MA
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Use Classroom Mosaic among admin team (principal, assistant principal, instructional coach) to track classroom observations and give targeted feedback to teachers. Extend learning in PLCs by conducting Evidence Walks with all teachers, to support effective Tier 1 instruction.
- Goal Area: MA
- Cost: $1,200.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Provide monthly ML PD to teachers to support ML students in meeting their individual English language development growth goals.
- Goal Area: ML
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
Goal 1
- Increase student self-assessments of grit and self-efficacy as measured by the annual surveys by:
- Making annual school theme related to grit
- Teaching every Second Step lesson in every classroom
- Implementing monthly themes, assemblies, and positive behavior reinforcement in these two specific areas
- Reduce the number of office referrals across the school and verify that the number of office referrals on Educator’s Handbook is equal to or more than the number of students referred to the behavior team.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- Behavior Interventions Coordinator to track all behavior data on Panorama, support teachers in observing students and implementing behavior plans, prepare agendas for Student Success Team meetings, and provide professional development for teachers and aides.
- Cost: $30,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Behavior Support Para to provide both push-in and pull-out behavior support to students disrupting the learning environment (with a particular focus on kindergarten classes).
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Wellness Room Para to staff the Wellness Room at all times during school hours to serve students with scheduled wellness breaks and provide emotional support to students as needed.
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
Fund Allocation
- General
- Allocation: $203,490.00
- Total in Plan: $1,200.00
- Remaining to Budget: $202,290.00
- Allocation: $128,824.50
- Total in Plan: $140,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$11,175.50
- Landtrust
- Allocation: $109,762.92
- Total in Plan: $110,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$237.08
- EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Allocation: $12,624.00
- Total in Plan: $15,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$2,376.00
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- Teacher Quality
- Allocation: $22,769.00
- Total in Plan: $20,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $2,769.00
Measurement of Goals
Measurement of Academic Goals
- Acadience Reading and Math Benchmarks:
- Teachers will administer all three benchmarks for Acadience Reading (K-6) and Acadience Math (K-3).
- Progress monitoring schedule:
- Red – every 2 weeks
- Yellow – every 4 weeks
- Green – every 6 weeks
- Blue – once between benchmarks
- Admin will conference with teachers regarding benchmark results in PLCs and conduct an annual data dive in November to verify progress toward the goal of 70% proficiency and 80% growth.
- RISE Benchmarks:
- Administered to all students in grades 3-6 to prepare for end-of-year RISE testing in math and reading.
- Special attention will be given to determining appropriate testing locations for students with special needs.
- Admin team will visit PLCs monthly to discuss RISE benchmarks and ensure that teachers are modifying Tier 1 instruction accordingly.
- ML Student Progress:
- ML Can-Do levels will be embedded into PLC agendas.
- Teachers will use these discussions to support lesson planning tailored to students’ individual levels in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Measurement of Behavior & Safety Goals
- Behavior Data Tracking:
- Educators Handbook will accurately reflect the number of students referred to administrators for behavior.
- Total office referrals will be reduced by 25%.
- The Student Success Team will monitor this data monthly and share updates with faculty and staff on a quarterly basis.
Use of Additional Funds & Stakeholder Involvement
Use of Additional Funds
- We will use any additional funds to hire instructional assistants to help support students, especially those in the lower grades.
Communication of Progress
- We will share progress with our School Community monthly throughout the year.
- The agenda and minutes will be posted on our school website.
Stakeholder Involvement in the School Improvement Plan
- In the fall of 2023, we met several times to review all of the data from the 2022-2023 school year.
- We discussed areas of need and areas of strength.
- Our administrative team worked on this plan with SCC feedback in mind.
- On Wednesday, March 27, we presented the plan in full to the SCC for them to discuss and vote on.
- 8 people voted to approve the plan, and 2 people were absent.
Names and Roles of Contributors
- Administrative Team:
- Dr. Jamie Davis-Leite (Principal)
- Brian Mangum (Assistant Principal)
- Melinda Hafen (Instructional Coach)
- Student Success Team:
- Shelby Moss (Social Worker)
- Michelle Burningham (Behavior Interventions Coordinator)
- Debby Moon (District PBIS Coach)
- Cora Barrett (Family Advocate)
- School Community Council:
- Amanda Phillips (Chair/Parent)
- Tyler Vigue (Vice-Chair/Parent)
- Clarisa Wheeler (Parent)
- David Gilliland (Parent)
- Jennifer Torgan (Parent)
- School Leadership Team Review on 4.9.24:
- Lori Sarkady
- Linda Moser
- Angela Beesley
- Heloyse Rossi
- Elizabeth Pratt
- Lani Norris
- Elicia Gray
- Joane Quilter