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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar da cidade de Provo

Escola de Ensino Fundamental Lakeview

New Series Highlights Lakeview Behind the Scenes

At Lakeview, we are constantly trying to make our school better every day. There are a lot of people, decisions, projects and goals that go into the way our school is able to function. We wanted to share some of that with our students and their families, to help us all feel more connected and committed to our community!

There are several things we will be covering:

  • How our arts program is funded through BTS Arts and why that is important
  • How to’s on a variety of processes that we use at the school – for instance our SafeArrival app that helps you to excuse tardies and absences
  • How the School Community Council works and what it is for
  • PTA functions and events behind the scenes

We are so excited to help you understand more of what goes behind the scenes to help Lakeview be the best it can be!

Are you interested in learning anything? Please let us know!

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