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Distrito escolar da cidade de Provo

Escola de Ensino Fundamental Lakeview

Celebrate the 20th Utah Brazilian Festival

Lakeview DLI Students have been invited to participate!

  • DATE: Saturday, Sept. 7th
  • TIME: 12 – 7 PM
    • PARADE will be at 1 PM – see more information below
  • ONDE: The Orchard at University Place Mall in Orem
  • O QUE: Booths and activities
    • Students have been invited to participate in a parade that will begin at 1 PM

The festival is asking for as many students and teachers as can join. Participation is voluntary. There will be Utah DLI representatives at the line-up area to help gather the participants, however, no school or teacher supervision will be provided for the parade. Students must march with an accompanying adult.

Parade Information:

  1. Meet at 12:30 PM to line up for the parade.
  2. Please enter the mall through the door on the west side of the RC Willey store. Participants will gather in the open area in front of RC Willey inside the mall.
  3. If possible, wear a green, yellow, blue or white shirt for the parade. If you have a Brazilian flag, please bring that along.
  4. The parade will march through the mall and exit on the northwest side and out to The Orchard (an outside event space) to the stage.
  5. Once participants have reached the stage, they are then excused from the parade.

Please visit the Utah Portuguese DLI booth after the parade (located on the south side of The Orchard, near H&M). They will have fun activities and prizes for the students!

Procurando maneiras de apoiar seu aluno na Lakeview? Seja voluntário! Envolva-se e faça a diferença! A Lakeview tem várias oportunidades para você se voluntariar e ajudar a nossa escola. Os voluntários fazem...

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