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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview Announcements

Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications

Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.

Lakeview Newsletter Week of March 3 – 7

Are you wanting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in our school? Read our weekly newsletter!

Lakeview News

Reflections Theme for 2024-25: "Accepting Imperfection" What is Reflections? The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and...

Save the date for our first Lakeview PTA Spirit Night of the year! Join us for this easy, fun, and delicious way to support our amazing teachers and students! WHEN: Monday, September 9th from...

What is Sleep Hygiene? Sleep is important for all of us, but especially for the development of children. It helps to regulate growth, emotions and memory. The right amount of sleep cause their mood...

Our first graders at Lakeview have a fun tradition each year to help them remember their colors. Each day during Color Days first grade students are encouraged to wear the color of the day. One of...

Welcome Back Lakeview! Staff members greeted and cheered our students as they arrived at school on the red carpet! We hope it was a great way for the children to begin their day in a positive...

We are so excited to welcome our students back to school for the 2024-2025 year! School will start on Tuesday, August 13th at 8:20 pm. On this first day of school parents are welcome to come in with...

Be sure to visit our Facebook page to view photos from our 2024 Field Day! It was a cold breezy day but our Lions didn't let that stop them from enjoying the event. We want to thank Mrs. Robertson...

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAYS 9 AM-12 PM  - MAY 29, JUNE 5, 12, 18 (Tuesday), & 26th CLOSED ALL OF JULY Regular 9-3 Hours Resume August 5th  If you need assistance, call 801-374-4990 and...

Many friends and family gathered on May 21st to celebrate Ms. Cindy Baer and Mrs. Marilee Wing and congratulate them on their retirement from Lakeview School. Ms. Baer has been teaching for 33 years...
