Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications
Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.
This was a fun week for our fourth-grade DLI classes. Thursday afternoon they were able to meet students in Brazil! Professora Rossi arranged a Zoom meeting with the class and Lakeview students...
Spring Picture Day, Thursday, March 9th!! Did you miss out on school pictures last fall? Lakeview is doing a new thing this year, Spring Picture Day, Thursday, March 9th!! We want to be sure all...
Lakeview Elementary 4th grade went on a field trip to the Marriott Center to watch the BYU - Alaska women's gymnastics meet. Everyone got some free swag and cheered on BYU for the win!...
Our Intrepid Kindergarten Classes on Safari Utah State Science Standards for Kindergarten include the study of living things and their habitats. Our students donned their pith helmets and collected...
Registration for Camp Big Springs is Open Through March 10th Lakeview has been assigned the following week: June 12-16 (Lakeview, Provo Peaks, Edgemont) Registration is a two-part...
Mrs. Hart's student teacher, Mrs. Hall, found a way to make math more appetizing for third-graders. Using cheese crackers, Mrs. Hall provided a fun way to explore perimeter and area in a recent math...
Provo School District announced a Remote Learning Day for Tuesday, February 22nd due to heavy snowfall in the area. The district had initially planned for a two-hour late start but decided that...
This month our Principal's Book Club included a special awards ceremony. Teachers were invited to create a special class reading award, like "Best Chooser of Books during Library Time," "Most...
Student Safety is Our Primary Concern You may have noticed that a new fence is being constructed on the east side of Lakeview. Over the last few years, we have had a number of problems with people...