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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview Announcements

Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications

Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.

Lakeview Newsletter Week of March 3 – 7

Are you wanting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in our school? Read our weekly newsletter!

Lakeview News

Provo Public Works comes to the west-side elementary schools every other school year to show the 6th graders what they do to take care of our city. This year our 6th graders participated and they got...

After months of reading and preparation, our Battle of the Books teams faced off against one another. Winners will participate in the district Battle next week, but first, they took on one of our...

Lakeview Elementary is proud to recognize the efforts of the 28 Lakeview students who participated in the Provo School District's Fine Arts Gala. The gala was held at Provo High School on April 11th....

Three Lakeview students recently participated in the 2023 Organization of American Kodaly Educators (OAKE) National Children's Choir in Jacksonville, Florida. These students worked hard to put...

Lakeview Elementary fourth-graders presented their annual Utah program.  Our students work all year to prepare for this outstanding program. Through the music and messages of their program, students...

This week at Lakeview has been a busy one.  One of the highlights was the Sixth-grade World's Fair which was held on Tuesday. Students studied and reported on a country of their choice. They were...

For those of you who have been involved with our Read-a-Thon the last few weeks, THANK YOU so much! You are making a difference to our school! We have had around 140 students participate out of 692...

The yearbook company made a mistake with our order and forgot to send the order forms.  We are so excited about our school yearbook! If you would like to order one, please use this link to order...

For St. Patrick's Day, Miss Baer and Mrs. Perkins’ buddy classes enjoyed sorting, graphing, and adding Lucky Charm marshmallows.  ...
