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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview Announcements

Lakeview Newsletter Week of November 25 – 29

Are you wanting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in our school? Read our weekly newsletter!

Lakeview News

Happy Valentine's Day! Our classes had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday. As always, we appreciate the participation of our fantastic Lakeview parents. More photos are available on our...

It's so exciting to reach the 100th day of Kindergarten.  Our littlest Lions have really grown in the past 100 days. We're so proud 0f how far they've come....

Mrs. Raymond's Kindergarten class learned about the artist Alma Woodsey Thomas. Ms. Thomas taught art for 35 years in Washington DC but didn't have her first exhibition until 1966, at the age of...

The 4th-grade DLI students have learned a lot about rocks in their Science class. To finish this topic, they had a Sand Art Project. The different colors of sand represent the different layers and...

Kindness Week - February 13-17 This year's theme is, "Spreading Kindness Throughout Lakeview Elementary." As part of our celebration, we will be enjoying the following events and activities. Dress...

Hope Squad had a great time on their field trip to the Scera Center for the Arts to learn more about what it takes to be a member of Hope Squad and how to reach out and support peers who are...

Lakeview STEM Fair Winners Announced -  Mr. Walker and Mr. Hollingshead headed up our STEM Fair this week. We're very proud our all our participants. 6th grade the winners are: 1st Place...

2022-23 Yearbook Cover Contest Entries due January 27, 2023 Rules for Submission: Must say Lakeview Elementary with the year 2022-2023 Must be designed vertically (portrait) Must be on 8.5...
