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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview Announcements

Portuguese Dual Immersion Program Now Accepting Applications

Attention current Kindergarteners! Now is a great time to sign up for Portuguese Immersion. We also have openings in all grades, amazing teachers, and so many unique experiences in the program.

Lakeview Newsletter Week of March 3 – 7

Are you wanting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in our school? Read our weekly newsletter!

Lakeview News

Get Ready for Kindness Week Monday, Feb. 10 Dress up - Grade by Grade, We Color the World with Kindness: Wear grade level color assignments Lunchtime Activity - "It's Cool to be Kind at...

Needs Around the School this Week: Health Room -  Gently used clothing, most needed size is boys 4 - 8, but any donation is appreciated Send in any donations with your student to the...

Nominate a Deserving Teacher! Every year our PTA recognizes an outstanding teacher who has had a positive impact on students' growth and learning and also makes a difference in the Lakeview...

Thank you for your donations! Right before Thanksgiving, our school had a Food Drive. Here are the results of all of your generosity: Food donations: 1457 pounds Money donations:...

Enter Your Artwork for the Yearbook The Lakeview PTA invites students to enter their original artwork into our Yearbook Cover Contest. We are looking for a cover that shows off your school...

Mark Your Calendar  January 15 - Kindness club 4,5,6 January 16 - 6th grade field trip January 17 - STEM Fair / Battle of Books first meeting January 20 - MLK Day (NO SCHOOL) January 22...

New Series Highlights Lakeview Behind the Scenes At Lakeview, we are constantly trying to make our school better every day. There are a lot of people, decisions, projects and goals that go into the...

Looking for a way to help our school? Every Monday we will be posting opportunities to help the teachers around Lakeview. We have so many amazing parents and guardians that want to contribute to our...
