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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School


  • Jamie Davis-Leite
  • Melinda Hafen
  • Amanda Phillips
  • Tyler Vigue
  • Monica Whitesides
  • Elizabeth Pratt
  • Kristin Palmer
  • Shantel Bjornn

Welcome and Introductions

Review of the council schedule and timeline of budget decisions and voting

Choosing and voting for chair and co-chair information, explanation of their duties. Training meeting scheduled for October 30 for principal and chair to attend at district office.

Introduction of district focus, aligns with school improvement plan and Trustlands funding plan.

  • Funding background changes and explanation of loss of federal funding, district funding model changes
  • Lakeview used to have access to multiple accounts, now there are three: Trustlands, TSSA and Principal Discretion
  • Allotted amount of employees come from the district, there is no money for aides except for TSSA and Trustlands with the loss of previous funding.

School Plan and Improvement Plan read through

  • All goals have to be tied to student achievement
  • Lakeview has tried to have specific learning targets within grade levels
  • Specialty teachers and Leadership Team are supports to improvement plan

District Assurance Plan

  • Community Council Training
  • Always have an agenda
  • Minutes posted to the website
  • Reports available for anyone to look at (State website)

Future meeting schedule-will continue with 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:30, no meeting in December.

Chair and Vice Chair discussion-chair has to attend training meeting, Vice Chair runs meeting if Chair cannot attend. Chair creates agenda for meetings.

  • Last year, Amanda Phillips was Chair and Tyler Vigue was Vice Chair
  • Melinda nominates Amanda Phillips for Chair position, Kristen seconds, unanimous vote
  • Shantel nominates Tyler Vigue for Vice Chair position, Amanda seconds, unanimous vote

Open Discussion about future discussions

  • Questions about budgeting that has disappeared, how is PD done etc?
    1. Everything now has to come out of the principals fund which is the day to day running of the school.
    2. Some of the PD funding is coming from previous district programs that are still in place. Funding that moved back to district pays for Assistant Principal and Instructional Coach in every school. Equity model moved funds to Title 1 schools. Superintendent Dau has been open to feedback.
    3. We don’t foresee any more budget cuts in the future.
    4. Our numbers have been dwindling in the last few years and this year our numbers have jumped. Especially in kindergarten, 28 kids full day in each class. Kids have not had much previous socialization which is a challenge.
    5. Legislative Advocacy example-potty training is a requirement.
    6. Legislature Armed Guardian in every school: no funding, restrictions on who it can be in the building (may not be principal or teacher, but must be an employee) district pays for gun and ammo, has to have a biometric safe to store gun at school-paid for by stipend, lowered psychological evaluation level, sheriff to train guardians, if no one in school is willing we post the job and take away money from current aides to pay for. PTA posted a report of the cost to have a guardian in the school. Could money be better spent to secure a building over an armed guardian? Easier to keep someone out than deal with them once they are in. Panic button for staff members. App that staff can communicate with district and officers during an incident.
  • What does the school need the council to focus on this year?
    1. How can we make the front traffic situation safer?
    2. With the district plan for wellness and safety, school climate for staff and also family and students we want to improve the climate for both. We want to be welcoming and safe. During school hours we have to be cautious about who is in the building, but how to balance welcome and safety.
    3. Resources for incoming families in need. Community awareness about the school, invite community organizations to family night activities.
    4. Parents feel a separation, not being allowed in the school. How to get volunteers. There is a disconnect between teachers and parents.

Next meeting focus:

  • Social media person present
  • Brainstorm ideas again

Tyler Vigue motions meeting adjourn, Jamie Davis-Leite seconds

9:33 am


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