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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School


  • Jamie Davis-Leite
  • Melinda Hafen
  • Amanda Phillips
  • Tyler Vigue
  • Monica Whitesides
  • Elizabeth Pratt
  • Kristin Palmer
  • Shantel Bjornn

Welcome by Jamie

Minutes and Agenda Review by Amanda

Open to Questions/Comments:

  •  Monica would like to see more parent education about the school land trust and community council.
  • The district does have information on the website but it isn’t easy to find and it might be a good idea to do a loom video on social media to make parents more aware of what the school land trust does. This may be a good way to highlight other things within the school, like PTA etc. The district wants the website to be the hub of community information, so a social media weekly website spotlight might be a good idea.
  • Encourage more parent use of the school calendar
  • Art Night and combined Reflections Awards was a success, more participants submitted entries this year, awards were appreciated
  • School Improvement Plan is the umbrella plan for whole school, school land trust is a sliver of that. SIP goals and Trustland goals should be aligned and 5ed to academics. Another fund source is TSSA and com council can weigh in on TSSA spending. TSSA currently pays for art specialty teacher and an assistant librarian and computer specialty teacher. Also pays for behavior interventions people. Trustlands is paying math and literacy aides and kindergarten push in aides. Trustlands is a grant so there has to be compliance.
  • Shantel will be attending a legislature meeting in January to represent Lakeview concerning BTS art funding. The art ties in to the core curriculum for every grade level. We need to be sure the district knows how dedicated we are to our art and music program, those teachers are full-time certified teachers. PE and library are part time classified hourly people.
  • PTA is looking for an advocacy rep to help with awareness of education legislation, and the school could use social media to neutrally show our support for our programs.
  • Legislation is impacting day to day running of school. Ex. Kinder students needing to be potty trained etc.
  • Kinder full day requirement is 180 days, but there is not a ‘minutes’ in class requirement. Kinder is supposed to get out 5 minutes early, but it is not happening often and the parents waiting are aggressive. Is there a way to get them out 10 minutes early?

Jessica Nielson is the school social media and website person and joins the meeting at 9:07.

  • Discussion with her about questions and comments prior to her arrival about posting ‘Did you know’ posts, how to subscribe to Lakeview Calendar, etc. Loom videos would be a good way to publish information. Add a link to the PTA website from the Lakeview website.
  • Discussion about the attendance app and the problems parents are having with the app, confusion about how it works and frustration that it does not work. Parents voices are heard, so it would be good to direct parents to applicable district people.
  • Discussion about next year district calendar, did parents actually see the calendar in the email that was sent? How can information be sent out better to parents, too many, too much hard to read emails, misleading subject lines etc.

Brainstorm ideas for future meetings:

  • More information on overall school safety, specifically the guardian legislation
  • Full day kindergarten concerns-abrupt beginning of year, chaos in classes, testing before school starts
  • Updates on how the plan is going, what would you like to see changed next year
  • Possible advocacy to the district about getting more funding for aides so that Trustlands money can be used for other things, also smaller school classroom numbers
  • See the data for literacy and math progress
  • Parent involvement in the school/safety requirements-parents feeling locked out. Get the message out that we thank parents for coming to help at school and their willingness to comply with the safety measures.

Amanda motions to adjourn at 9:42 and Shantel seconds the motion.


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