Make A Difference Monday Week of February 24th – 28th
Needs Around the School this Week
Help make a difference in our school! Please check out these opportunities to help. In most cases if classes are looking for donations you can send it in with your student. If you have any questions please contact the teachers or the front office.
- Dinners are needed for teachers during SEPs, on Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the 27th
- Sign up at the link and look for lots of options to choose from
- We need help setting up, running, and taking down the book fair this week
- Details are in the link and options for how you can sign-up to help
- 2nd Grade – Mrs. Beesley’s Class
- Healthy snack donations – they are running low
- 5th Grade – Mrs. Landon’s Class
- Soft tissues for sore noses
- Health Room – send to the office
- The Health Room is in need of donations of gently used clothing
- The most needed is Boys sizes 4 – 8, but any donation is appreciated
- The clothing is used for when children have bathroom accidents, spill something on themselves, or need to change clothes for any reason, and we are running very low
Thank you always for your continued support and generosity to Lakeview!