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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

February 12-16th is Kindness Week at Lakeview

Here are some of the events we have planned for the week.

Monday: February 12

  • Dress up: Have courage and be kind – Cinderella (Dress Disney Day – Marvel, princess, anything with Disney)
  • Activity:  “Bee”ing Kind Helps you Grow (Kindness Tree, sign hearts)

Tuesday: February 13

  • Dress up: Kickin it with kindness – Craziest shoes and socks
  • Activity: Take What you need & Give what you can

Wednesday: February 14

  • Dress up: Have a Heart of Kindness (pink red white or hearts for Valentine’s Day)
  • Activity: Chalk the block (spread messages of kindness)

Thursday: February 15

  • Dress up: Dreaming of a kind world. (Pajama Day)
  • Activity: Kindness Bookmark/coloring pages (Kiva)

Friday: February 16

  • Dress up: Lakeview Lions Represent Kindness
  • Activity: Lakeview is “Poppin’” with Kindness – Popcorn at recess

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