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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Today, November 20, is National Education Support Professionals Day. Did you know that Lakeview has more than 50 Education Support Professionals (ESP) who work part or full-time to help keep school running smoothly? This amazing group is primarily composed of 25 instructional assistants who provide math and literacy interventions, support teachers in both English and Portuguese classrooms, and supervise recess, lunch, and before/after school programs. Our custodial crew keeps our school beautiful and safe. Our Child Nutrition team provides healthy and delicious meals. The rest of our ESP team includes our fabulous secretaries, health clerk, SpEd/504 paraprofessionals, hourly teachers, and LSR/Check & Connect staff who each dedicate their time and energy to the programs and students they supervise. Our ESP staff plays such a vital role at Lakeview in making sure that students are supported and cared for; we don’t know what we would do without them! A huge thank you to our ESP staff from the administration, teachers, parents, and students! We hope you have a great day!


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