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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Lakeview

Looking for ways to support your student at Lakeview?


Get involved and make a difference! Lakeview has numerous opportunities for you to volunteer and help our school. Volunteers make such an impact in any activity that the school hosts!

  • Join the PTA: Open to all parents, grandparents, students and community members! You can participate a little or a lot, or even just donate!


  • Picture Day: This event is happening this week on Wednesday, Sept. 11th. For more info and to sign up to help, click here.
  • Vision Screening: Also happening this week on Thursday, Sept. 12th. For more info and to sign up to help, click here.
  • Lakeview Annual Family Picnic: A favorite event for students and families! Takes place Monday, Sept. 23 from 5:30-7:30. We would love AT LEAST 7 more volunteers to help collect money/hand out food—the more volunteers there are, the less time you have to spend helping! We want EVERYONE to enjoy the Family Picnic, especially our volunteers! Sign up here!

Celebra el 20º Festival Brasileño de Utah ¡Los estudiantes de Lakeview DLI han sido invitados a participar! FECHA: Sábado, 7 de septiembre HORA: 12 - 7 PM DESFILE será a la 1 PM - ver más información...

Las 3 Cs de la Formación del Comportamiento A lo largo de los años de trabajo con estudiantes, y especialmente con estudiantes con comportamientos desafiantes, he notado que hay 3 cosas que necesitan ser parte de cualquier plan para...

Tema de Reflexiones para 2024-25: "Aceptar la imperfección" ¿Qué es Reflections? El programa Reflections ofrece oportunidades de reconocimiento y acceso a las artes que aumentan la confianza de los estudiantes y...
