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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Lakeview

Mrs. Anderton Chosen as Golden Apple Teacher 2023-2024

Mrs. Anderton displaying her award.

Rebecca Anderton, a 2nd-grade teacher at Lakeview, has been selected by our parents and students as the 2023-24 PTA Golden Apple Award recipient. 

Born and raised in Illinois, near the Mississippi River, Mrs. Anderton attended Western Illinois University and BYU where she received her Bachelor’s degree. She earned her Master of Education from Lesley University. Some of Mrs. Anderton’s favorite things include: spending quiet time in nature, gardening, rescuing animals, giving gifts, and (of course) teaching. Her favorite things about teaching are celebrating the growth of her students and building a relationship between herself, students, and parents. Mrs. Anderton is a well-loved teacher at Lakeview and is described as “the most kind, loving, and patient teacher who goes out of her way to help children feel validated and important.” She has made a huge difference in helping struggling students learn to love reading, math, and school. We are very grateful to have Mrs. Anderton here at Lakeview.

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