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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Results of Our End-of-the-Year Mushball Game

Has it only been a month since this epic battle was waged?  Our traditional, sixth-grade vs. the faculty, mushball game was played on May 26th. The biggest change in the faculty lineup was Mr. Mangum replacing Mr. Barker as pitcher. 

The game proceeded as follows:  There were four innings played, one for each sixth-grade class. Each member of a class batted during “their” inning. If they got out they sat down and did not have an opportunity to score. To keep the game fair the all teachers batted each inning as well (if they wanted to). Once everyone had batted, teams switch innings.

There were some spectacular plays on both sides. Mr. Mangum tried to stretch a solid triple into a home run but was tagged out in an outstanding play by the sixth grade.

The final score was tied at 26-26! Great job sixth-grade.

More photos can be found on our Facebook page.


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