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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

I am very lucky to have had such a great experience with the teachers who now teach at Lakeview Elementary and my other classmates. I had a severe speech impediment that the teachers and speech therapists helped me overcome. I received a solid education and relationships that I will always cherish. I always look back at my time with these teachers with great fondness.

After elementary school, I went to Dixon, Provo high, then across the street to BYU and then the U of U for medical school. I am currently a senior resident in Internal medicine and future chief medical resident at the University of Colorado.

 The Lakeview teachers helped give me a solid base to grow on throughout the rest of my life.

We are so proud of you Brian!


Looking for ways to support your student at Lakeview? Volunteer! Get involved and make a difference! Lakeview has numerous opportunities for you to volunteer and help our school. Volunteers make...

Celebrate the 20th Utah Brazilian Festival Lakeview DLI Students have been invited to participate! DATE: Saturday, Sept. 7th TIME: 12 - 7 PM PARADE will be at 1 PM - see more information...

The 3 Cs of Behavior Shaping Over the years of working with students, and especially students with challenging behavior, I have noticed that there are 3 things that need to be part of any plan to...
