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Provo City School District

Lakeview Elementary School

Learn How to Speak Portuguese

Lakeview is currently accepting applications for our Portuguese Dual Language Immersion program.  It is a FREE full-day, public school program for incoming 1st graders from any school district! If your student is currently in Kindergarten, this is a great time to consider if the program would be a good fit for them. We also have spots available at every grade level, with openings for anyone in 2nd and 3rd, and openings for Spanish speakers in 4th – 6th.

Benefits of Immersion

Forty years of research proves that immersion provides:

  • Functional proficiency in a second language
  • No disadvantage in English academic development
  • Improved performance on standardized testing
  • Superior metalinguistic awareness
  • Greater cognitive flexibility and problem solving skills
  • Increased cultural sensitivity
  • Enhanced employment and economic opportunities

Young boy wearing hat and displaying Brazilian flag.


  • 7th most spoken language in world (250 million speakers)
  • Declared a critical language by U.S. government
  • Most widely spoken language in South America
  • 3rd most widely spoken language in the LDS Church with 30 Portuguese-speaking missions worldwide
  • Official language of 8 countries
  • Portuguese speakers understand Spanish and easily acquire it as a third language
  • Spanish speakers excel in learning Portuguese
  • Utah has a large Portuguese-speaking community

Utah’s Immersion Classrooms

  • Offer a rich bilingual experience
  • Are open to students of varying backgrounds and all abilities
  • Consist of two high quality, creative classrooms: one English and one Portuguese
  • Include two caring, qualified teachers: one English-speaking and one Portuguese-speaking
  • Continue through middle school and high school, with option to complete 9.0 university credits in 3000-level Portuguese coursework at UVU through concurrent enrollment

Provo School District also has a video giving more information about the program:

Call our school office or come in to pick up your application!

Students photos on Independence Day Poster. Student photos on poster. Student photos on poster. Student photos on poster. Student photos on poster. Individual student pictures all together on a large poster.


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